BS ISO 17316:2015
Information and documentation. International standard link identifier (ISLI)
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2015 | 24 |
This International Standard specifies an identifier of links between entities (or their names) in the field of information and documentation. These entities can be documents, media resources, people, or more abstract items such as times or places.
The ISLI system identifies links between entities that are related to each other so that, for instance, they can be rendered jointly. It does this by registering each link identifier with information (metadata) that specifies the link. The ISLI does not change the content, ownership, right of access, or existing identification of these entities.
This International Standard does not specify the technology used to represent the identifier or realize the link. It enables applications to be built which use the interoperable ISLI system for the identification of links.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
6 | Foreword |
7 | Introduction |
9 | 1 Scope 2 Terms and definitions |
10 | 3 Link model of ISLI 4 Structure and syntax of ISLI 4.1 Service field 4.2 Link field 4.3 Check digit field |
11 | 4.4 ISLI representation for human reading 5 Principles for allocation of ISLI 5.1 Allocation of ISLI service codes 5.2 Assignment of ISLI codes |
12 | 6 Metadata 6.1 ISLI metadata 6.2 Service metadata 7 Administration of the ISLI system |
13 | Annex A (normative) Allocation of service codes and assignment of ISLI codes |
14 | Annex B (normative) ISLI metadata specification |
16 | Annex C (normative) Administration of the ISLI system |
18 | Annex D (normative) Method for calculating the check digit of an ISLI |
20 | Bibliography |