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BS ISO 44001:2017 + BS ISO 44002:2019


Collaborative Business Relationship Management Systems complete package (BS ISO 44001:2017 + BS ISO 44002:2019)

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BSI 2019 173
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 B3 FC
3 Blank Page
4 30353016
11 Foreword
12 Introduction
14 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
18 4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders
4.3 Determining the scope of the collaborative business relationship management system
19 4.4 Collaborative business relationship management system
4.5 Creation of value
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
20 5.2 Policy
5.3 Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities
5.3.1 Top management
5.3.2 Establishment of an organizational governance structure
21 5.3.3 Senior executive responsible
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.2 Collaborative business relationship objectives and planning to achieve them
22 6.3 Identification and prioritization of collaborative business relationships
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Identification of opportunities for collaboration
23 7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence and behaviour
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
24 7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
7.5.4 Record of collaborative competencies
25 7.5.5 Corporate RMP
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Operational awareness (Stage 1)
8.2.1 General
26 8.2.2 Duties of SER
8.2.3 Application and validation of operational governance structure
8.2.4 Identification of operational objectives and value
27 8.2.5 Establishment of value analysis process
8.2.6 Identification and prioritization of collaborative business relationships
8.2.7 Development of competencies and behaviour
8.2.8 Initial risk assessment
8.2.9 Establishment of the RMP
28 8.3 Knowledge (Stage 2)
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Strategy and business case
30 8.3.3 Identification of key individuals’ competence and behaviour
8.3.4 Knowledge management
8.3.5 Supply chain and extended enterprise risks and opportunities
8.3.6 Implementation of risk management process
31 8.3.7 Evaluation of the business case
8.3.8 Incorporation of knowledge into the RMP
32 8.4 Internal assessment (Stage 3)
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Capability and environment for collaboration
8.4.3 Assessment of strengths and weaknesses
33 8.4.4 Assessment of collaborative profile
8.4.5 Appointment of collaborative leadership
8.4.6 Definition of partner selection criteria
8.4.7 Implementation of the RMP
34 8.5 Partner selection (Stage 4)
8.5.1 General
8.5.2 Nomination of potential collaborative partners
8.5.3 Partner evaluation and selection
35 8.5.4 Development of engagement and negotiation strategy for collaboration
8.5.5 Initial engagement with potential partners
8.5.6 Assessment of joint objectives
8.5.7 Assessment of joint exit strategy
8.5.8 Selection of preferred partners
8.5.9 Initiation of joint RMP
8.6 Working together (Stage 5)
8.6.1 General
36 8.6.2 Establishment of the joint governance structure
38 8.6.3 Joint knowledge management process
8.6.4 Establish joint risk management process
39 8.6.5 Operational process and systems review
8.6.6 Measurement of delivery and performance
8.6.7 Improvement of organizational collaborative competence
8.6.8 Establishment of a joint issue resolution process
40 8.6.9 Establishment of a joint exit strategy
8.6.10 Agreements or contracting arrangements
41 8.6.11 Establishment and Implementation of the joint RMP
8.7 Value creation (Stage 6)
8.7.1 General
42 8.7.2 Establishment of the value creation process
8.7.3 Identification of improvement and setting of targets
8.7.4 Use of learning from experience
8.7.5 Updating of the joint RMP
8.8 Staying together (Stage 7)
8.8.1 General
43 8.8.2 Oversight by the SERs
8.8.3 Management of the joint relationship
44 8.8.4 Implementation of monitoring of behaviour and trust indicators
8.8.5 Continual value creation
8.8.6 Delivery of joint objectives
8.8.7 Analysis of results
8.8.8 Issue resolution
45 8.8.9 Maintenance of the joint exit strategy
8.8.10 Maintenance of the joint RMP
8.9 Exit strategy activation (Stage 8)
8.9.1 General
46 8.9.2 Initiation of disengagement
8.9.3 Business continuity
8.9.4 Evaluation of the relationship
8.9.5 Future opportunities
8.9.6 Review and updating of the RMPs
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
47 9.1.2 Exit evaluation
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
48 10 Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.2 Continual improvement
49 Annex A (informative) Assessment checklist
53 Annex B (informative) Relationship management plan
56 Annex C (informative) Competencies and collaborative behaviour
58 Annex D (informative) Relationship maturity matrix
61 Annex E (informative) Exit strategy
63 Annex F (informative) Description of business relationship types
65 Annex G (informative) Application guidance
73 Bibliography
79 undefined
86 Foreword
87 Introduction
90 1 Scope
2 Normative references
91 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.1.1 What: summary of the intent
4.1.2 Why: explanation of relevance
4.1.3 How: implementation guidance
92 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders
4.2.1 What: summary of the intent
4.2.2 Why: explanation of relevance
4.2.3 How: implementation guidance
4.3 Determining the scope of the collaborative business relationship management system
4.3.1 What: summary of the intent
4.3.2 Why: explanation of relevance
4.3.3 How: implementation guidance
93 4.4 Collaborative business relationship management system
4.4.1 What: summary of the intent
4.4.2 Why: explanation of relevance
4.4.3 How: implementation guidance
4.5 Creation of value
4.5.1 What: summary of the intent
4.5.2 Why: explanation of relevance
4.5.3 How: implementation guidance
94 5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.1.1 What: summary of the intent
5.1.2 Why: explanation of relevance
5.1.3 How: implementation guidance
95 5.2 Policy
5.2.1 What: summary of the intent
5.2.2 Why: explanation of relevance
5.2.3 How: implementation guidance
96 5.3 Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities
5.3.1 Top management
5.3.2 Establishment of an organizational governance structure
97 5.3.3 Senior executive responsible
98 6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 What: summary of the intent
6.1.2 Why: explanation of relevance
6.1.3 How: implementation guidance
6.2 Collaborative business relationship objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2.1 What: summary of the intent
6.2.2 Why: explanation of relevance
99 6.2.3 How: implementation guidance
6.3 Identification and prioritization of collaborative business relationships
6.3.1 General
100 6.3.2 Identification of opportunities for collaboration
101 7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 What: summary of the intent
7.1.2 Why: explanation of relevance
7.1.3 How: implementation guidance
102 7.2 Competence and behaviour
7.2.1 What: summary of the intent
7.2.2 Why: explanation of relevance
7.2.3 How: implementation guidance
103 7.3 Awareness
7.3.1 What: summary of the intent
7.3.2 Why: explanation of relevance
7.3.3 How: implementation guidance
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 What: summary of the intent
7.4.2 Why: explanation of relevance
7.4.3 How: implementation guidance
104 7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
105 7.5.4 Record of collaborative competencies
7.5.5 Corporate RMP
106 8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.1.1 What: summary of the intent
8.1.2 Why: explanation of relevance
8.1.3 How: implementation guidance
8.2 Operational awareness (Stage 1)
8.2.1 General
107 8.2.2 Duties of SER
8.2.3 Application and validation of operational governance structure
108 8.2.4 Identification of operational objectives and value
8.2.5 Establishment of value analysis process
109 8.2.6 Identification and prioritization of collaborative business relationships
8.2.7 Development of competencies and behaviour
110 8.2.8 Initial risk assessment
111 8.2.9 Establishment of the RMP
112 8.3 Knowledge (Stage 2)
8.3.1 General
113 8.3.2 Strategy and business case
116 8.3.3 Identification of key individuals’ competence and behaviour
8.3.4 Knowledge management
118 8.3.5 Supply chain and extended enterprise risks and opportunities
8.3.6 Implementation of risk management process
120 8.3.7 Evaluation of the business case
121 8.3.8 Incorporation of knowledge into the RMP
8.4 Internal assessment (Stage 3)
8.4.1 General
122 8.4.2 Capability and environment for collaboration
8.4.3 Assessment of strengths and weaknesses
123 8.4.4 Assessment of collaborative profile
124 8.4.5 Appointment of collaborative leadership
125 8.4.6 Definition of partner selection criteria
126 8.4.7 Implementation of the RMP
127 8.5 Partner selection (Stage 4)
8.5.1 General
8.5.2 Nomination of potential collaborative partners
128 8.5.3 Partner evaluation and selection
129 8.5.4 Development of engagement and negotiation strategy for collaboration
130 8.5.5 Initial engagement with potential partners
8.5.6 Assessment of joint objectives
131 8.5.7 Assessment of joint exit strategy
8.5.8 Selection of preferred partners
132 8.5.9 Initiation of joint RMP
8.6 Working together (Stage 5)
8.6.1 General
133 8.6.2 Establishment of the joint governance structure
138 8.6.3 Joint knowledge management process
139 8.6.4 Establish joint risk management process
140 8.6.5 Operational process and systems review
141 8.6.6 Measurement of delivery and performance
8.6.7 Improvement of organizational collaborative competence
143 8.6.8 Establishment of a joint issue resolution process
144 8.6.9 Establishment of a joint exit strategy
146 8.6.10 Agreements or contracting arrangements
149 8.6.11 Establishment and implementation of the joint RMP
8.7 Value creation (Stage 6)
8.7.1 General
150 8.7.2 Establishment of the value creation process
151 8.7.3 Identification of improvement and setting of targets
152 8.7.4 Use of learning from experience
153 8.7.5 Updating of the joint RMP
8.8 Staying together (Stage 7)
8.8.1 General
154 8.8.2 Oversight by the SERs
8.8.3 Management of the joint relationship
155 8.8.4 Implementation of monitoring of behaviour and trust indicators
157 8.8.5 Continual value creation
8.8.6 Delivery of joint objectives
158 8.8.7 Analysis of results
8.8.8 Issue resolution
159 8.8.9 Maintenance of the joint exit strategy
160 8.8.10 Maintenance of the joint RMP
161 8.9 Exit strategy activation (Stage 8)
8.9.1 General
162 8.9.2 Initiation of disengagement
8.9.3 Business continuity
163 8.9.4 Evaluation of the relationship
164 8.9.5 Future opportunities
8.9.6 Review and updating of the RMPs
165 9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Exit evaluation
166 9.2 Internal audit
9.2.1 General
9.2.2 Conduct internal audits/planning and maintaining audit programmes
167 9.3 Management review
9.3.1 What: summary of the intent
9.3.2 Why: explanation of relevance
9.3.3 How: implementation guidance
10 Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.1.1 What: summary of the intent
168 10.1.2 Why: explanation of relevance
10.1.3 How: implementation guidance
10.2 Continual improvement
10.2.1 What: summary of the intent
10.2.2 Why: explanation of relevance
10.2.3 How: implementation guidance
169 Bibliography
BS ISO 44001:2017 + BS ISO 44002:2019