IEEE 1512.1-2003
IEEE Standard for Traffic Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
IEEE | 2003 |
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. Revised by IEEE Std 1512.1-2006 The exchange of vital traffic management data and data to support traffic management decisions, between the Traffic Management Center and other agencies involved in transportation-related events, through common incident management message sets, is addressed in this standard.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | Cover Page |
2 | Title Page |
5 | Introduction |
7 | Participants |
14 | 1. Overview 1.1 Scope |
15 | 1.2 Purpose 2. References |
16 | 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations |
17 | 3.1 Definitions |
23 | 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations 4. Structure of the standard 4.1 Requirements |
25 | 4.2 Request and share information about work zones |
26 | 4.3 Request local traffic control |
27 | 4.4 Describe Local Traffic Control Plan |
28 | 4.5 Share information about ingress/egress routes, and request route services |
30 | 4.6 Share location/priority/preemption information on a response vehicle |
32 | 4.7 Information on cleanup or infrastructure repair: the need for it and plans |
34 | 4.8 Request information on network conditions or route status |
35 | 4.9 Share information on asset management |
39 | 5. Message sets and data frames 5.1 Message: MSG_RequestWorkZoneData |
40 | 5.2 Message: MSG_WorkZoneData |
41 | 5.3 Message: MSG_ReqTrafficCntrlPlan |
42 | 5.4 Message: MSG_TrafficCntrlPlan |
43 | 5.5 Message: MSG_RequestRouteAdvice |
44 | 5.6 Message: MSG_RouteAdvice |
45 | 5.7 Message: MSG_RequestPreemptionUserData |
46 | 5.8 Message: MSG_PreemptionUserData 5.9 Message: MSG_InfrastructureReport |
48 | 5.10 Message: MSG_ClearOrRepairPlan 5.11 Message: MSG_RequestNetworkConditions |
50 | 5.12 Message: MSG_NetworkConditions |
52 | 5.13 Message: MSG_RequestPhysicalAsset |
54 | 5.14 Message: MSG_PhysicalAssetStatus |
55 | 5.15 Message: MSG_RequestPhysicalAssetStatus 5.16 Message: MSG_Assigned-Resources |
57 | 5.17 Data Frame: DF_AssetDescription |
58 | 5.18 Data Frame: DF_CleanUpPlan |
59 | 5.19 Data Frame: DF_DSRC_UsePlan 5.20 Data Frame: DF_HAR_UsePlan |
60 | 5.21 Data Frame: DF_LaneDescriptions |
61 | 5.22 Data Frame: DF_RepairPlan |
62 | 5.23 Data Frame: DF_RestrictionSet |
63 | 5.24 Data Frame: DF_Tail 5.25 Data Frame: DF_VehicleSummary |
64 | 5.26 Data Frame: DF_VMS_UsePlan |
65 | 6. Data elements 6.1 Data Element: DE_Asset_Use 6.2 Data Element: DE_AssetStatus |
67 | 6.3 Data Element: DE_CenterAssetPermRef |
68 | 6.4 Data Element: DE_CleanUpItems |
69 | 6.5 Data Element: DE_ConditionTypes |
73 | 6.6 Data Element: DE_FlowType |
74 | 6.7 Data Element: DE_FreeText |
75 | 6.8 Data Element: DE_IncidentRef |
76 | 6.9 Data Element: DE_InfrastructureRestorationList |
77 | 6.10 Data Element: DE_PreemptAuthorization |
78 | 6.11 Data Element: DE_PreemptGrant |
79 | 6.12 Data Element: DE_PreemptTech |
80 | 6.13 Data Element: DE_RepairNeeds |
81 | 6.14 Data Element: DE_RoadsideAssetLists |
84 | 6.15 Data Element: DE_RouteStatus |
86 | 6.16 Data Element: DE_SubMessageRefNum |
87 | 6.17 Data Element: DE_Urgency 6.18 Data Element: DE_Vehicle_Asset_Lists |
88 | 6.19 Data Element: DF_URL_Link 7. Externally defined data elements 7.1 Data Element: EXT_ATIS_TimeInterval_quantity |
89 | 7.2 Data Frame: EXT_DateTimePair |
91 | 7.3 Data Element: EXT_ESS_EssAirTemperature_quantity 7.4 Data Element: EXT_ESS_EssPrecipitation24Hours_quantity |
92 | 7.5 Data Element: EXT_ESS_EssPrecipitationOneHour_quantity 7.6 Data Element: EXT_ESS_EssRelativeHumidity_quantity |
93 | 7.7 Data Element: EXT_ESS_EssRoadwaySnowDepth_quantity 7.8 Data Element: EXT_ESS_EssRoadwaySnowPackDepth_quantity |
94 | 7.9 Data Element: EXT_ESS_EssSnowfallAccumRate_quantity 7.10 Data Element: EXT_Event-IncidentSeverity |
95 | 7.11 Data Element: EXT_Event-IncidentStatus |
96 | 7.12 Data Element: EXT_Event-IncidentVehiclesInvolved |
98 | 7.13 Data Element: EXT_Event-IncidentVehiclesInvolvedCount 7.14 Data Frame: EXT_EventInformation |
99 | 7.15 Data Element: EXT_Event-LanesBlockedOrClosedCount |
100 | 7.16 Data Element: EXT_Event-ResponsePlanText |
101 | 7.17 Data Element: EXT_IM_ResponseAgencyID_text |
102 | 7.18 Data Element: EXT_Incident-Type |
105 | 7.19 Data Element: EXT_ITIS-Codes |
106 | 7.20 Data Frame: EXT_ITIS-Codes-And-Text 7.21 Data Element: EXT_LaneClosedList |
107 | 7.22 Data Element: EXT_LaneConfigurationList 7.23 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Capacity_rate |
108 | 7.24 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Delay_quantity 7.25 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Density_rate |
109 | 7.26 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Jurisdiction_text 7.27 Data Element: EXT_LINK_LaneCount_quantity |
110 | 7.28 Data Element: EXT_LINK_LanesNumberOpen 7.29 Data Element: EXT_LINK_LanesNumberOpen_quantity |
111 | 7.30 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Length_quantity 7.31 Data Element: EXT_LINK_LevelOfService_code |
112 | 7.32 Data Element: EXT_LINK_MedianType |
114 | 7.33 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Name 7.34 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Occupancy_percent |
115 | 7.35 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Other_text 7.36 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Ownership_text |
116 | 7.37 Data Element: EXT_LINK_PavementType |
117 | 7.38 Data Element: EXT_LINK_RestrictionAxleCount_quantity |
118 | 7.39 Data Element: EXT_LINK_RestrictionClass_code |
119 | 7.40 Data Element: EXT_LINK_RestrictionHeight_quantity 7.41 Data Element: EXT_LINK_RestrictionLength_quantity |
120 | 7.42 Data Element: EXT_LINK_RestrictionWeightVehicle_quantity 7.43 Data Element: EXT_LINK_RestrictionWidth_quantity |
121 | 7.44 Data Element: EXT_LINK_RoadNumber |
122 | 7.45 Data Element: EXT_LINK_ShoulderWidthLeft_quantity 7.46 Data Element: EXT_LINK_ShoulderWidthRight |
123 | 7.47 Data Element: EXT_LINK_SpeedAverage_rate 7.48 Data Element: EXT_LINK_SpeedLimit_rate |
124 | 7.49 Data Element: EXT_LINK_Status |
125 | 7.50 Data Element: EXT_LINK_SurfaceCondition |
126 | 7.51 Data Element: EXT_LINK_TravelTime_quantity 7.52 Data Element: EXT_LINK_TruckSpeedLimit |
127 | 7.53 Data Frame: EXT_LRMS |
128 | 7.54 Data Element: EXT_NODE_LinksNumber_quantity |
129 | 7.55 Data Element: EXT_NODE_Name_text 7.56 Data Element: EXT_Node-Delay |
130 | 7.57 Data Element: EXT_Node-Status |
131 | 7.58 Message: EXT_RoadSideAlert |
133 | Annex A (informative) Using the messages of this standard |
148 | Annex B (informative) Recommended local ITIS codes |
151 | Annex C (normative) Use of the standard with XML |
153 | Annex D (informative) Bibliography |