71.040.99 – Other standards related to analytical chemistry – PDF Standards Store ?u= Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:44:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 71.040.99 – Other standards related to analytical chemistry – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 ISO 23833:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-238332013/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:44:32 +0000 Analyse par microfaisceaux — Analyse par microsonde électronique (microsonde de Castaing) — Vocabulaire
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2013-04 36
L'ISO 23833:2013 définit des termes employés dans la pratique de l'analyse par microsonde électronique (microsonde de Castaing). Elle couvre à la fois des concepts généraux et des concepts spécifiques, classés selon le rang hiérarchique qu'ils occupent dans un ordre systématique.

L'ISO 23833:2013 est applicable à tous les documents de normalisation relatifs à la pratique de l'EPMA. En outre, certaines parties de l'ISO 23833:2013 sont applicables aux documents relatifs à la pratique de techniques apparentées (MEB, AEM, EDX, etc.) pour la définition des termes communs à ces techniques.

ISO 23703:2022 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-237032022/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:43:51 +0000 Microbeam analysis - Guidelines for misorientation analysis to assess mechanical damage of austenitic stainless steel by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2022-01 32
This document describes the guidelines for misorientation analysis to assess mechanical damage such as fatigue and creep induced by plastic and/or creep deformation for metallic materials by using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. This international standard defines misorientation parameters and specifies measurement conditions for such mechanical damage assessment. This document is recommended to evaluate mechanical damage of austenitic stainless steel, which is widely used for various components of power plants and other facilities.

In this document, the mechanical damage refers to the damage which causes the fracture of structural materials due to external overload, fatigue and creep; excepting the chemical and thermal damages themselves.

ISO 22489:2006 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-224892006/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:35:58 +0000 Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Quantitative point analysis for bulk specimens using wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2006-12 22
ISO 22489:2006 specifies requirements for the quantification of elements in a micrometre-sized volume of a specimen identified through analysis of the X-rays generated by an electron beam using wavelength-dispersive spectrometers fitted either to an electron probe microanalyser or to a scanning electron microscope.

It describes the principle of the quantitative analysis, the general coverage of this technique in terms of elements, mass fractions and reference specimens, the general requirements for the instrument, and the fundamental procedures involved, such as specimen preparation, selection of experimental conditions, the measurements, the analysis of these and the report.

It is intended for the quantitative analysis of a flat and homogeneous bulk specimen using a normal incidence beam. It does not specify detailed requirements for either the instruments or the data reduction software. Operators should obtain information such as installation conditions, detailed procedures for operation and specification of the instrument from the makers of any products used.

ISO 22309:2011 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-223092011/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:34:45 +0000 Microbeam analysis — Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) for elements with an atomic number of 11 (Na) or above
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2011-10 30
ISO 22309:2011 gives guidance on the quantitative analysis at specific points or areas of a specimen using energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) fitted to a scanning electron microscope or an electron probe microanalyser; any expression of amount, i.e. in terms of percent (mass fraction), as large/small or major/minor amounts is deemed to be quantitative. The correct identification of all elements present in the specimen is a necessary part of quantitative analysis and is therefore considered in ISO 22309. ISO 22309 provides guidance on the various approaches and is applicable to routine quantitative analysis of mass fractions down to 1 %, utilizing either reference materials or "standardless" procedures. It can be used with confidence for elements with atomic number Z > 10.

Guidance on the analysis of light elements with Z < 11 is also given.

ISO 22029:2012 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-220292012/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:32:49 +0000 Microbeam analysis — EMSA/MAS standard file format for spectral-data exchange
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2012-09 18
ISO 22029:2012 presents a simple format for the exchange of digital spectral data that has been designated as an EMSA/MAS standard. This format is readable by both humans and computers and is suitable for transmission through various electronic networks, the phone system (with modems) or on physical computer storage devices (such as removable media). The format is not tied to any one computer, programming language or computer operating system. The adoption of a standard format would enable different laboratories to freely exchange spectral data, and would help to standardize data analysis software. If equipment manufacturers were to support a common format, the microscopy and microanalysis community would avoid duplicated effort in writing data analysis software.

ISO 20720:2018 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-207202018/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:22:51 +0000 Microbeam analysis — Methods of specimen preparation for analysis of general powders using WDS and EDS
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2018-10 16
This document specifies specimen preparation methods for the analysis of particles in powders using energy-dispersive spectrometers (EDS) or wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS) installed on an EPMA or SEM. The preparation methods for powder particle analysis are classified by the analytical purpose and the particle size.

This document applies to inorganic particles larger than 100 nm and smaller than 100 µm in diameter.

It applies only to analysis of "general" powders, which means that it excludes procedures for special applications such as forensic or trace analysis.

ISO 17470:2004 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-174702004/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:00:10 +0000 Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Guidelines for qualitative point analysis by wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2004-09 18
ISO 17470:2004 gives guidance for the identification of elements and the investigation of the presence of specific elements, within a specific volume, contained in a specimen, by analysing X-ray spectra obtained using wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometers on an electron probe microanalyser or on a scanning electron microscope.

ISO 15632:2021 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-156322021/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:41:38 +0000 Microbeam analysis — Selected instrumental performance parameters for the specification and checking of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers (EDS) for use with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) or an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2021-02 20
This document defines the most important quantities that characterize an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer consisting of a semiconductor detector, a pre-amplifier and a signal-processing unit as the essential parts. This document is only applicable to spectrometers with semiconductor detectors operating on the principle of solid-state ionization. This document specifies minimum requirements and how relevant instrumental performance parameters are to be checked for such spectrometers attached to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) or an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA). The procedure used for the actual analysis is outlined in ISO 22309[2] and ASTM E1508[3] and is outside the scope of this document.

ISO 15632:2012 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-156322012/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:41:37 +0000 Microbeam analysis — Selected instrumental performance parameters for the specification and checking of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers for use in electron probe microanalysis
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2012-08 18
This International Standard defines the most important quantities that characterize an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer consisting of a semiconductor detector, a pre-amplifier and a signal-processing unit as the essential parts. This International Standard is only applicable to spectrometers with semiconductor detectors operating on the principle of solid-state ionization. This International Standard specifies minimum requirements and how relevant instrumental performance parameters are to be checked for such spectrometers attached to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) or an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA). The procedure used for the actual analysis is outlined in ISO 22309[2] and ASTM E1508[3] and is outside the scope of this International Standard.

ISO 14595:2014 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-145952014/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:28:12 +0000 Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Guidelines for the specification of certified reference materials (CRMs)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2014-10 24
ISO 14595:2014 gives recommendations for single-phase certified reference materials (CRMs) used in electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). It also provides guidance on the use of CRMs for the microanalysis of flat, polished specimens. It does not cover organic or biological materials.
