BSI PD 476-3:2012
Classification rules for the end-use application of test results arising from BS 476-3, “Classification and method of test for external fire exposure of roofs”
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2012 | 28 |
This Published Document sets out a methodology for generating new classification rules for roof coverings tested in accordance with BS 476-3:1958 and BS 476-3:2004, which simplifies the specification of a roof covering in its end-use application as part of a roofing system. The document also considers the possible influences on the classification of single or multiple changes to the roof covering material and/or construction of the tested roofing system.
NOTE Applying the results of tests to an actual end-use application often requires specialist knowledge. This application is generally simplified if the tested roof covering/roofing system can be given a classification based upon the results of test(s) which is easily related to the end-use.
Where rules already exist, they are presented in Clause 4 and Clause 5.