BSI PD CEN/TR 16239:2011
Installation rules of fibrous (gypsum) plaster works
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2011 | 54 |
This Technical Report provides details on the rules and recommendations for the installation of works carried out using fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts as defined in European Standard EN 13815, with instructions and details about construction.
Fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts from the three categories of production below (see 4.1 of EN 13815:2006) should be involved in this Technical Report:
“cpp” allowing regulatory marking CE,
“cppv” allowing regulatory marking CE,
“ipp” either when CE marking is required or without CE marking (see Annex D, note 2 of EN 13815:2006).
There are three products:
traditional fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts, and two specific products:
GRG casts,
PMGRG casts.
NOTE 1 Construction of traditional gypsum plaster works using screwed system, showing similar provisions with GRG works screwed construction, is not dealt in this Technical Report.
NOTE 2 PMGRG works are not dealt in this Technical Report.
There are three ranges of casts, defined by their principal functions shapes and configurations (see 4.2 of EN 13815:2006):
casts for interior architecture,
casts for technical functions and
The equipment, accessories and devices are defined in this document.
This Technical Report applies to both new construction and to the refurbishment, restructuring or conversion of existing buildings.
Fibrous plastering work should be capable of having the usual finishes applied directly to them (e.g. paint, wallpaper), subject to the normal preparatory work applicable for the finish.
This Technical Report should not apply to:
works consisting of various boards, elements or casts when they are not fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts or fibrous plaster works which, by their nature, do not form an integral part of the structure by the use of permanent fixing (see the scope of EN 15319:2007).
fibrous plaster works consisting of casts and embellishments, when they are to be applied directly to either new or existing wall or ceiling surfaces, for purely decorative applications (see Figures 3 and 4 of EN 15319:2007); works of these types should be carried out in accordance with standard practice.
This Technical Report does not contain the regulatory requirements with which fibrous plaster works (e.g. ceiling) must comply in certain buildings.
NOTE 3 In the field of safety, most regulations relate to certain types of building for example:
public buildings (PB),
high rise buildings (HRB),
buildings for educational purposes,
buildings for sanitary purposes.
This Technical Report does not deal with the ability of fibrous plastering works to comply with particular technical requirements (e.g. fire behaviour, protection against noise, energy economy, etc) needed for the works to comply with the requirements of the particular building contract.