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BSI PD CEN/TR 17603-20-21:2022


Space engineering. Guidelines for electrical design and interface requirements for actuators

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BSI 2022 60
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In general terms, the scope of the consolidation of the electrical interface requirements for electrical actuators in the EN 16603-20-21 (equivalent to ECSS-E-ST-20-21) and the relevant explanation in the present handbook is to allow a more recurrent approach both for actuator electronics (power source) and electrical actuators (power load) offered by the relevant manufacturers, at the benefit of the system integrators and of the European space agencies, thus ensuring: – Better quality – Stability of performances – Independence of the products from specific mission targets. A recurrent approach enables manufacturing companies to concentrate on products and a small step improvement approach that is the basis of a high quality industrial output. In particular, the scope of the present handbook is: – To explain the type of actuators, the principles of operation and the typical configuration of the relevant actuator electronics, – To identify important issues relevant to electrical actuators interfaces, and – To give some explanations of the requirements set up in the EN 16603-20-21.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
9 1 Scope
10 2 References
11 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms from other documents
3.2 Abbreviated terms
13 4 Explanations
4.1 Explanatory note
4.2 How to use this document
14 5 Actuators Interface
5.1 Type of actuators
18 5.2 Coverage assumptions
19 5.3 Actuators electronics, general architecture
5.3.1 Overview
23 5.3.2 ARM block
5.3.3 SELECT block
24 5.3.4 FIRE block
5.4 Actuators electronic, timing sequence
26 5.5 Actuator electronics, failure tolerance
5.5.1 Double failure tolerance
28 5.5.2 Single failure tolerance
29 6 Explanation of ECSS-E-ST-20-21 Interface Requirements
6.1 Functional general
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Reliability
31 6.2 Functional source
6.2.1 General
32 6.2.2 Reliability
35 6.2.3 Commands
37 6.2.4 Telemetry
40 6.3 Functional load
6.3.1 General
41 6.3.2 Reliability
6.4 Performance general
6.4.1 General
44 6.5 Performance source
6.5.1 Overview
46 6.5.2 General
47 6.5.3 Reliability
48 6.5.4 Telemetry
6.5.5 Recurrent products
50 6.6 Performance load
6.6.1 General
6.6.2 Reliability
51 6.6.3 Recurrent products
BSI PD CEN/TR 17603-20-21:2022